Volunteer Information
Volunteers are valued members of our community and we sincerely appreciate your hard work and dedication on behalf of our children. Without volunteers, we would have a difficult time providing many of our extra programs.
Giving of your time and talent adds such much to our school community. There is no job too small and no task that is insignificant. May God bless you for all that you do for His children.
The success of the school and parish depends on the involvement of our parents, and we would like to invite everyone to consider volunteering in any of our ministries or school activities.
Lector Ministry
Eucharistic Ministry
Usher Ministry
Sacristan Ministry
Music Ministry
Funeral Ministry
Hospitality Ministry (including parish festivals)
Faith Formation (Catechist/Catechist Aide)
Book Fair (October)
Athletics (Schedule dependent)
Science Fair (Schedule dependent)
Parish Picnic (August)
Boo Bash (October)
Fundraisers (Schedule dependent)